step 1)

Using the links on the main page have a look through the lists of material already on the site. These are arranges into sections

Songs - A list of songs that have been completed and mixed down

Songs in progress - Songs that still require work

Drum Tracks - Basic ideas for drums that form the basis of the tune

Ideas - Anything that is thought up but no really a complete part yet.

have a look through and select a track that you would like to hear/work on.

step 2)

Load the track into your media/MP3 player. If it is just a drum track you can jam on guitar along to it to come up with new ideas, or vocals if that is your thing.

step 3)

Record yourself playing along to the downloaded track, either by plugging into your PC and recording straight to hard disk, or onto tape and then sampling onto your PC.

step 4)

Upload the sample of your contribution onto your website (if you don't have one just try and get a free one)

step 5)

Return to the Cuban Train Robbers page and go to the 'songs in progress list'. At the bottom of the list there is a button to add your own link

step 6)

Type the URL and filename of your contribution in the box provided e.g.

make sure that you include the filename of the track

Type a breif description of the part into the other box. Try to include the nature of the part (guitar part, Vocals) and the key you have played in aswell as the song title e.g.

CoolTune-Guitars in Drop D

step 7)

Sit back and wait for the rest of the union to finish your tune off!